Published 14-Feb-2002

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A symbol of sympathy and condolence for the victims of September 11 Our sympathies to those who lost loved ones on September 11.

  webWiz In-Brief  

Just when we all thought we might be moving forward, EasyMail customers are to lose their email service and the largest Internet service provider increases its prices by $4 per month (unless you're prepared to sign up on a 12-month contract). Well, that's why the computer facilities are at the Rushworth Community House – for $5.00, you have your own email and Web access. Because you're just paying for the amount of information that comes down the line, your $5.00 could last a couple of months.

• Read all this week's Wiz...>>

  webWiz In-Sites  
• Selected sites for this week:

• All this week's Wizzy sites...>>

  What's New at webWiz  

• Some more information to help you get the most out of MS Train Simulator: getting ready to start downloading and featured sites for free downloads. Still a couple of pages to be posted to let you know which are some of the best locos and rolling stock to get from (23-Feb-02).

• Sites added to webDirectory - click here for recent additions (20-Feb-02)

• A large list of sites added to webDirectory - I'm slowly catching up! - click here for recent additions (17-Feb-02)

• Sites added to webDirectory - click here for recent additions (14-Feb-02)

Two Acela Expresses cross at BWI station at 210mph (350kmh)!

• The first page about MS Train Simulator is now online. This first page gives you some idea, with images but not sound, of what it's like to drive your own train.(14-Feb-02)

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• webWiz Online is published fortnightly, usually in the fortnight before publication in print in The Waranga News.

• Comments? Questions? Contact the webmaster

• webWiz Online is best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution in 16-bit colour.

• © Bernie Halpin, webWiz Online 2000, 2001





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