Published 28-Feb-2002

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webWiz Online is published fortnightly, usually a fortnight before publication in print in The Waranga News.
Best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution in 16-bit colour using Internet Explorer V5 or later.
© webWiz Online 2000-1

A symbol of sympathy and condolence for the victims of September 11 Our sympathies to those who lost loved ones on September 11.

  webWiz In-Brief  

To ease the pain of that dreaded disease, spreadsheet-agony, webDotWiz has a some simple rules and guidelines. You might want to being looking up your dictionary to find pairs of words that give only a single match when entered into the Google search engine. Of a more productive level, there's a reminder to make good use of the My Documents folder that Windows creates for you. Add to it and keep your work more organised. If all this is too much, take some recreation time to view 3D stereograms.

• Latest update (10-Mar-02): Several new pages in webTrain Sim; more sites added to the webDirectory.

To check updates at webWiz in the last few days, click here or scroll down the page.

• Read all this week's Wiz...>>

  webWiz In-Sites  
• Selected sites for this week:

• All this week's Wizzy sites...>>

  What's New at webWiz  

• Latest update (09-Mar-02): Several new pages in webTrain Sim for you to get more out of MSTS, including help to install Gaetan Belanger's new VIA F40PH-2M loco.

• Many new sites added to webDirectory - a big splurge in trying to catch up. Click here for recent additions (05-Mar-02)

• More pages and updates added to the Train Sim section, especially recommended downloads from Access the Train Sim section by clicking here or using the webUpdates list.(04-Mar-02)

• Sites added to webDirectory - click here for recent additions (24-Feb-02)

  webHelp | About  

• Need help finding your way around? It's just a click away...>>;

• webWiz Online is published fortnightly, usually in the fortnight before publication in print in The Waranga News.

• Comments? Questions? Contact the webmaster

• webWiz Online is best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution in 16-bit colour.

• © Bernie Halpin, webWiz Online 2000, 2001





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