Last Updated 10-Apr-2002

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Please note that webTrainSim is now located at

Click here to get there..

At webTrainSim you'll find the latest line news on the best freeware locomotives and rolling stock to download and step-by-step instructions to get your locos working at their peak performance.

  Line news  

• (10-Apr-02): webTrainSim moved to Add this new address to your favourites.

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webTrain Sim was, until recently, part of my webWiz Online site at Due to a reduction in free web space by Tripod, these pages have had to be posted at their own site, Not such a bad thing because there's now 20Mb for Train Sim!

• Email me at if you have questions or comments. I'll try to answer as best I can. Certainly post me if any step-by-step instructions on various how-to pages need clarification.

web•Train Sim

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