Navigating webWiz
- Use the main menu items on the navigation bar on the left side of each page to go to different sections of webWiz Online.
- The Web Parts on the right of each page provide further links to more specific sections.
- To read any past column, click the webArchive button.
- For links to sites, including those from previous columns, use the webDirectory service.
- To find what you want at webWiz Online, just enter a word you want to search on and press the Search button. For example, want to find pages that talk about "MP3"? Just enter "MP3" (without the quotes) and press Search. There's an Advanced Search too.
- To login to, or get your own free web-based email address, click on webMail.
About webDirectory
- The webDirectory began as a collection of the sites featured in each fortnight's column. However, as time has gone by, more and more have been added - and are being added almost daily. There are now about 3,000 sites listed!
- When you choose webDirectory from the menu on the left, you'll be taken to a page containing the main categories. Each category is further broken down into useful headings to guide you to sites relevant to that particular topic.
- You can also access any of the categories from the Web Parts on the right side of webWiz's opening page.
- Each entry will open a new browser window when it's clicked on. If it's not the site you're looking for, simply close the window and try another site.
- In the main, each entry in the webDirectory has a tooltip to give you a brief description of a site's content. Just let your mouse hover over the link for a few seconds to bring up the tooltip (if your browser supports this feature).
- The majority of sites listed contain a number of different areas and should provide the information you're looking for. There are only a small number of specific site pages listed. Due to the ever-changing nature of the 'Net (pages are removed and not archived, sites are re-designed, and so on), in some instances you may not be able to access a particular page. As a suggestion, go to the site's home page and try to find out if pages have been re-organised.
- The webWiz Column appears in print in The Waranga News and is usually published online a fortnight before.
- The Waranga News has been published fortnightly by volunteers since 1978 at Rushworth, Victoria, Australia. The paper serves the local area, including the townships of Colbinabbin, Murchison, Rushworth, Stanhope and Toolleen. The newspaper is sold locally by newsagents and a postal subscription is available for $A28 per year. Phone 61 3 5856 1120 or post mail to wnews@origin.net.au.
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