Welcome to the 09-Mar-2000 Column
In this issue, webDotWiz reminds you about anti-virus software (free, of course!), suggests you keep your browser and mail programs secure with the latest updates, and introduces you to setting up your virtual office.
Have Fun.
Viruses and Security |
Because new viruses appear regularly, most producers of anti-virus software provide free updates for the detection and removal of these viruses. webDotWiz recommends you take advantage of this offer. Most of the popular computer magazines contain these updates on their cover CD-ROM. As well, a free email newsletter may be available so you're notified of an update. This is certainly the case with InnoculateIT Personal Edition. Another useful resource is a newsletter produced by Computing Central (http://computingcentral.msn.com) which advises of virus and security alerts. |
Updates to Browser and Mail |
From time to time, security weaknesses are found in the major browsers. In the case of Internet Explorer, Microsoft produces patches to repair possible breaches. All that is required from you is the download of a small program which you save to your hard drive and run when you've logged off the Internet. Netscape on the other hand seem to release a new version of their browser to solve security type problems. It's probably cheaper to watch out for updates provided on the cover CD-ROM of the popular computer magazines to obtain the lastest Netscape version. |
Which Browser? |
Three years ago, the two major browsers, Netscape and Internet Explorer, shared the market in the ratio of about 70:30 respectively. Now the figures are reversed, especially after AOL bought out Netscape. Both browsers are now free and all the major computer magazines include them on their cover CD-ROMs so they are easy to obtain and install. If you're still using a version 3 browser, you're probably missing out on some of the new interactive and dynamic features that web page builders use on their sites for the newer versions. Internet Explorer for Windows is now at version 5.01, Netscape for Windows is at version 4.72 and Micrsoft will soon be releasing Internet Explorer version 5 for the Mac. |
Net Measurement |
How many people use the Net? Which site is busiest? Which site is the largest? There are sites that will give you answers to these questions, and other questions you never thought anybody would think of asking. Now that the Net has been found by business, the marketers are one group who want to know. For us mere mortals, there are some fascinating figures collected. You'll find links to some of these statistics in this week's featured sites. |
Call Waiting |
If you're finding that your online connection is being suddenly cut off, it might be that you've got call waiting enabled on the line and it's the cause. Call waiting functions by sending a tone down the line that's the same signal that a server would send for disconnecting. So your modem obeys that signal immediately, and you find yourself offline (following Murphy's law, it always occurs when you've just about finished that big download of your favourite game). Before dialling into your ISP, it might be good practice to disable call waiting by dialling #43# and when you've finished your online session, re-enable call waiting by dialling *43#. |
Extras for Your Site |
Many web hosting services that webDotWiz mentioned in the last column offer extra features to enhance your site. The main ones include being able to add chat, mail lists and searching to your pages. The purpose of providing these services on your site is to encourage visitors to return and make your site one of their favourites. Mind you, you will still need to keep your content interesting and up-to-date. |
Virtual Office |
Perhaps you've balked at the cost of purchasing one of the major office suites, or your work involves moving around, or you don't really require all the features of one of these suites. Why not make use of some online sites which provide a word processor, spreadsheet, data entry or calendar? CNET recently published a review of what they found to be the best five SOHO free web applications - you'll find links to the respective sites in this week's list of sites. |
Brief Headlines |
Do you really want to read these?