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Each fortnight's column can be called up from here. There is a sentence of two to introduce the main points webDotWiz discussed for that particular week. Just click on More or the heading to get the full content. If all else fails, use the Search feature or there's an Advanced Search if you're looking for more detail. Have fun!

• ABC Online - news, science, health,...
• ABC News - bulletins, current affairs, local news,...
• ABC Gateways - all the ABC offers...
• ABC Interact - join in, your local community,...
• New MP3 Sites - find Aussie talent,...
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webDotWiz Online this week introduces sites for both young and not so young, sports fans and for those who love a maze puzzle to solve. Especially notable sites are for those on the land and for everyone who is interested in the performance of our athletes as they prepare for the Olympics.

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Cricket, soccer and the GST have centre stage in this week's sites in the webDotWiz column. There are some practical hints to get you started with your own Web pages. Remember to take advantage of software updates which add further protection in Outlook against email attachment viruses.

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This week webDotWiz tries to follow his own advice and better manage his email. He hasn't enough time to play games but knows where there a couple of free ones that look good.

On the serious side, there are some suggestions and advice to guide your browsing of health and shopping sites so your privacy is protected.

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Welcome! webDotWiz is going to devote much of this week's column to showing how you can produce graphics images for your Web site without spending lots of money. As well, there's a reminder to keep your antivirus software up to date because of the threat of another email attachment virus.

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This week, webDotWiz reminds readers about simple precautions to take to avoid computer viruses, tells you about some local sites and browses through some online courses. There are some hints on finding a good Internet Service Provider and how to shop safely on the Net. Of course, there's some humourous sites to visit when you get the chance for a break from all that study or shopping.

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This week, webDotWiz passes on some more information about MP3 music titles and how to find your favourites. If you love writing stories, poetry or songs,

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While we've all been concentrating on finding all types of information on the Web, sending and receiving email, and making new friends worldwide in the chat rooms, we've been missing out on all the sight and sound. So this week, webDotWiz would like to get you started with Internet music and radio.

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In this issue, webDotWiz introduces some sites where you might find an answer to some question or problem you've got with your PC or Mac. There are some important points about Netiquette to ponder, where you might learn HTML so you can develop your web page skills and what's happening to webDotWiz Online. Of more importance to some will be a couple of sites from where you can download free games.

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In this issue, webDotWiz reminds you about anti-virus software (free, of course!), suggests you keep your browser and mail programs secure with the latest updates, and introduces you to setting up your virtual office.

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In this issue, webDotWiz suggests why you should join a mailing list, how a Hotmail account can help with newsletters, where you can backup your files online, and where to get free anti-virus software. Also, as usual, you can catch up on some headlines and news that have been on the Web over the past few days.

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The inaugural issue!

webDotWiz aims to give you hints, tips and ideas, from browsing the Web, making your own Web pages, joining a mailing list, or finding a web host for your site, to the latest buzzword and technology.

Look through the topics being covered this week and you'll certainly find something of interest. Have fun!

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