webDotWiz Online: 19-Oct-2000
Learning HTML Online
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webDotWiz has previously mentioned how simple it is to learn the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) that's behind displaying web pages. Just remember that HTML consists of a number of codes or, tags as they're more commonly known as, which tell our browsers how to display text.
When starting out, just try using the heading tags (H1 to H6), the paragraph tag (<p> and </p>) and link tag (<a href="otherpage.htm"> and </a>) which calls up another web page. You'll find an excellent article at MSDN Online that takes you through the steps to author a page using these tags.
A useful exercise is to write a web page that contains links to your favourite sites, with a few words of description for each site. As well as using the tags mentioned above, make a list of your favourite links. So another handy HTML tag to use is the unordered list tag (<ul> and </ul>). In between the <ul> and </ul> tags, put each link to a favourite site by enclosing it in a list tag (<li> and </li>).
What you'll end up with will be similar to the weekly list of sites at webDotWiz Online. If you're online, call up this week's list of sites and use your browser's menu to view the source HTML code; if you're browsing with Internet Explorer, right click and choose "View Source" from the popup menu. Scroll down the page and you'll eventually find the unordered list tags we've been discussing.
The next tags you want try are the bold and italic tags, the image tag, the font tag to colour or size some text, and the table tag. The latter is not only used to display information (such as the Rushworth rainfall or modem speed results at webDotWiz Online but also to lay out a page to position text and images at certain places (such as this page). It is not easy to view a web page's source to see how it's been done so take your time to firstly learn how to display some simple data in a table and be prepared to use plenty of trial and error.
Writing HTML Pages Online
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There are plenty of sites this week so you can see how simple it is to learn some HTML. But if you're not terribly interested in using HTML tags directly amd you just want to get some web pages online, there are several sites suggested.
If you're not sure what you'd like to talk about on your web site or how you'd like to lay out your pages, why not see what others have done? For example, browse some members pages at Crosswinds, Geocities or FotuneCity.
Games World
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Just in case you've been working too hard and forgotten which sites to visit for free game downloads and reviews of the latest games releases, there's a few sites this week you'll want to revisit. Baldur's Gate II is a new game due for release while FreeGames.com is worth a visit for arcade and classic games.
For chess players, GrandMaster Chess offers games analyses, training software to improve your game and club pages. Checkmate!
Music News
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The Winamp player is very popular - there are thousands of skins and visual plug-ins for it. As well, there are a number of plug-in games for free download: At the Winamp site, look for the "Hot Plug-ins" on the right-side of the opening page and choose "Games" from the drop-down list.
Games for download include Space Rocks, Pig Pen (like Pacman), Gem Master (like Tetris), Blaster Ball and Speedway. Now while you're listening to your favourite MP3s, you can play a game! Download and install instructions are at the bottom of the plug-in games page.
Browse These
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Here are some sites when you're next online and you have time on your hands. You might like to check out the latest fashions, put more healthy food in your fridge, get a few new dialtones for your mobile, or visit China's first MP3 site.
webDotWiz Highlights
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webDotWiz has previously written about the PCDJ player - it's motto is "Don't just play, mix; don't just listen, broadcast!". The deluxe version is to be released soon so keep an eye out for it. If you'd like to have your own Internet radio station, then PCDJ is worth serious consideration, especially since it's able to mix tracks.
Washing machine not going so well? Repair Clinic probably has got a solution and you'll save some money being able to fix it yourself. Keep the Web address, www.repairclinic.com, handy!
If you're looking for children's web sites, vist WebSitesForKids for links to top sites. There's school material featured as well.