Published 01-Feb-2001
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© webWiz Online 2000-1

  webWiz In-Brief  

A warm welcome to the new millennium! This week there's some reading - critiques, debates, links to authoratative magazines, ezines, newspapers and some amusement! Take a look at some web sites whose design is not the norm. And save time with the webDirectory. Remember...Have fun!

• The Reading Room

• Centenary of Federation

• Four Ways to Protect Privacy

• HTML Editors

• webDotDirectory

• webSnippets

• Read all this week's Wiz...>>

  webWiz In-Sites  
• Arts & Letters Daily

• Children's Reading Room

• Centenary of Federation

• Protect Your Privacy

• Arachnophilia HTML Editor

• Flip Flop Flyin'

• All this week's Wizzy sites...>>

  webWiz Specials  
• Links to all Australian University sites.

• webMusic sites - MP3 downloads, players, more...

• Rushworth rainfall figures for 1998, 1999, 2000 and current 2001, recorded faithfully by a local identity.

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• The webDirectory now contains links to more than 600 1000 of the Wiziest sites on the Web. Just click here to look through the categories and then you're just another click away from getting to that site you've been searching for.

• Due to some problems at Crosswinds.Net, your browser may only partially load a page. In the meantime, webWiz is also being hosted at Fortune City.

• Need help finding your way around? It's just a click away...>>;

• webWiz Online is published fortnightly, usually in the fortnight before publication in print in The Waranga News.

• Comments? Questions? Contact the webmaster

• webWiz Online is best viewed at 800x600 screen resolution in 16-bit colour.

• © webWiz Online 2000, 2001

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