Sites added to webDirectory - click here for recent additions (07-Feb-02)
Sites added to webDirectory - click here for recent additions (04-Feb-02)
Sites added to webDirectory - click here for recent additions (01-Feb-02)
Plans for a quiet couple of weeks of work and play went out the window after returning from a few days away - the computer died! There were lots of sites to add to the webDirectory and a couple of other sites to put online. After 2 weeks of getting things sorted out, things have returned to some sort of normality (31-Jan-02).
Part of the frustration while the computer's problems were rectified was the wait to get started with Microsoft's Train Simulator, a Christmas present from my son. All expectations from reviews are well founded. Look for lots more information on how you can add to MSTS (as it's affectionately known) in the coming days and weeks. There'll be a collection of pages under "Specials" to tell you about the best sites for extra locos and rolling stock, some handy software, and various hints and tips (31-Jan-02).