Last Updated 14-Feb-2002

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web•Wiz Specials

  MS Train Simulator  
Your Acela Express meets another at a combined 210mph (350kmh)!

• Find out about Microsoft Train Simulator where you drive your own train! All the sounds and sights from the cab! Keep your passengers comfortable and get them to their destination on time. Control a multi-headed freight train across the Rockies. Do some shunting and put together a freight train. Take tourists for a scenic railroad tour in Japan. Experience the sound and skill needed to drive the Flying Scotsman steam loco.

• Click here or the link on the right to get started, read the hints and tips, and find out where the best sites are for locos and rolling stock to add to your roundhouse.

  Modem Speeds  
Poor line speed causes frustration

• See how your modem speed compares with webWiz's.

  MP3s & Players  
Turn up everything louder than everything else

• webWiz Music sites - MP3 downloads, players, how to have your own radio station, more...»

  Rushworth Rainfall  
This is how we're supposed to get our rain

• Rushworth rainfall figures for 1998, 1999, 2000 and current 2001, recorded faithfully by a local identity.

  Australian Universities  
Not all Australian Unis look like this

• Links to all Australian University sites.


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